

Choice for dogs is as important as it is for us. Dogs are conscious, intelligent beings with emotions. Despite having adapted very well to our human lives, they are non the less another species, with needs, feelings and wants of their own and they need to make choices to feel content and to feel that they have some control over their lives.
Read MoreGive me a Choice
Many dogs love to take rides in the car. Going on an adventure with their humans is the best! But for some dogs a drive can be extremely stressful or downright scary. The stress and fear can cause problems both for the dog and for the human. In this blog we will go through how you can help your dog learn to enjoy your car trips.
Read MoreLet’s go for a drive!
There are so many different advice and methods out there, making it hard for dog owners to chose which method to use to make their dog walk nicely on the walks. This ends with most trying out different methods and often ending up with an unsuccessful result. Along with frustration and giving up. In this blog we go through how to make the walk more enjoyable both for you and for your dog.
Read MoreHow to get your dog to walk nicely
Talking about emotions in dogs is something relatively new in the scientific world of dog behaviour. The neuroscientist Gregory Berns was one of the first to establish that dogs really does empathize with us and that what we feel can be transferred down to our dog and make them feel the same. Do they love us? You bet! But what are they feeling themselves and how do they portray those feelings, and more importantly how do we as humans learn how to read and understand those emotions?
Read MoreEmotions in dogs – How is your dog feeling?
pack leader
The dog world has been split into two for a long time. Those who believe that the dog should be trained with rewards and positive reinforcement, promoting the dog to succeed against those who believe that you should be the pack leader and use dominance and force against your dog in order to properly train them. But what does science have to say about the pack leader mentality and dominance theory in dog training?
Read MorePack leader or companion? The scientific view on dog training
Socializing your new puppy or dog is something you should start with right when your new dog enters their new home. Socialization does not only cover getting adapted to other dogs or animals, it also involves being introduced to new environments, sounds and many different people.
Read MoreDog socialization – The how and the why!
How should you train your dog and why is the training method important? In this blog we dive into what science says is the best training method for dogs and why it is important to use the right training method in order to create the best relation with your dog.
Read MoreHow should I train my dog?
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